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November 16, 2021 Organization of the Board/Regular School Board Meeting
Manatee Elementary School - Construction Management Services - SALES SURTAX
Meeting Date(s)
Consent w/o Information - 11/16/2021
Consent Type
Without Information

The Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the sales surtax facility renewal project at Manatee Elementary submitted by Canaveral Construction Co., Inc. under their continuing contract for design build services was approved by the School Board at their January 28, 2020 meeting. The project was constructed over summer 2020 and utilized the original budget for facility renewal at Manatee Elementary and $400,000 in supplemental sales surtax revenue over the $198 million program target as approved Independent Citizens Oversight Committee (ICOC) in January 2020.

In December, 2020, the School Board approved a supplemental GMP for the chiller replacement at Manatee Elementary utilizing supplemental sales surtax revenue over the $198 million program target in the amount of $551,500 as recommended by the ICOC in August 2020. The design engineer and the Facilities Team are recommending that the chilled water piping in the chiller yard also be replaced. At the August 18, 2021 meeting, the Independent Citizens Oversight Committee reviewed and recommended approval of an additional $250,000 for the chilled water piping replacement at Manatee Elementary School. 

Canaveral Construction Co., Inc. has submitted a GMP for the project in an amount not to exceed $114,211.33 under their continuing contract for construction management services based on a design prepared by DDC Engineering, Inc. under their continuing contract for mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection engineering services. The scope of work includes replacing the chilled water pipe in the chiller yard, replacing valves at the ice storage tanks and new insulation. The project will be funded through the supplemental 2014 surtax allocation. Budget remains available for administration and permitting costs.

Board approval is required for purchase orders over $50,000. The standard agreement template has been used, which does not require legal review.


Approve the total project construction budget of $144,211.33 for the Manatee Elementary chilled water pipe replacement project.

Approve the Guaranteed Maximum Price submitted by Canaveral Construction Co., Inc. under their continuing contract for construction management services in an amount not to exceed $144,211.33 for the Manatee Elementary chilled water pipe replacement project. 

Approve the use of supplemental sales surtax revenue over the $198 million program target in the amount of up to $250,000 for the project (including design, preconstruction services and construction) as recommended by the ICOC.

Authority for Action
F.S. 1001.42
Involves Expenditure of Funds Directly in the Classroom
Source of Funding

Sales Surtax
Financial Impact
FY Amount Budgeted Fund Cost Center Project Function Object Program










Legal Counsel Review
Susan Hann, P.E., Assistant Superintendent Facilities Services 633-1000 ext. 11446 David Lindemann, AICP, Director of Planning and Project Management 633-1000 ext. 11463
Manatee Chilled Water Pipe GMP Attachments.pdf
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