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November 16, 2021 Organization of the Board/Regular School Board Meeting
Roof Design Services (Roosevelt, Cocoa Beach, Titusville) - SALES SURTAX RENEWAL
Meeting Date(s)
Consent w/o Information - 11/16/2021
Consent Type
Without Information

The sales surtax renewal program includes funding for roof renewal at Roosevelt Elementary School (year 1), Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School (year 1) and Titusville High School (year 3). The District issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ 21-346-Q-DR) for design services for these projects

The design contract was awarded to PBA Design Group, Inc. at the School Board's April 13, 2021. PBA Design Group, Inc. has completed pre-design services to recommend the roof renewal method for each project. 

PBA Design Group, Inc. has submitted design proposals for each of the project as follows:

  • Roosevelt Elementary School - $179,075.50
  • Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School - $258,777.50
  • Titusville High School - $319,000.00

Administration and permitting are estimated at $10,000 for each project.

Board approval is required for purchase orders over $50,000. The standard agreement template has been used, which does not require legal review.






Approve the design phase budget for projects at Roosevelt Elementary School ($189,075.50), Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School ($268,777.50) and Titusville High School ($329,120.00).

Approve the design services task orders with PBA Design Group, Inc. (RFQ 21-346-Q-DR Roof Design Services) for Roosevelt Elementary School ($179,075.50), Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School ($258,777.50) and Titusville High School ($319,120.00).


Authority for Action
F.S. 1001.42
Involves Expenditure of Funds Directly in the Classroom
Source of Funding

Sales Surtax
Financial Impact
FY Amount Budgeted Fund Cost Center Project Function Object Program
21/22 $179,075.50 Yes 397 5012 530700 7400 684 000
21/22 $10,000.00 Yes 397 5012 530700 7400 686 000
21/22 $258,777.50 Yes 397 5011 530700 7400 684 000
21/22 $10,000.00 Yes 397 5011 530700 7400 686 000
21/22 $319,120.00 Yes 397 0011 530700 7400 684 000
21/22 $10,000.00 Yes 397 0011 530700 7400 686 000
Legal Counsel Review
Susan Hann, P.E., Assistant Superintendent Facilities Services 633-1000 ext. 11446 David Lindemann, AICP, Director Planning and Project Management 633-1000 ext. 11463
Cocoa Beach Roof Design Attachments.pdf
Roosevelt Roof Design Attachments.pdf
Titusville Roof Design Attachments.pdf
Agenda Plus