Educational Services Facility
5:30 p.m.

April 9, 2024, Board Meeting
A. Call to Order
1. Call to Order

Chair Megan Wright called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

A. Roll Call
2. Roll Call

Board Members Present: Katye Campbell, Jennifer Jenkins, Megan Wright, Gene Trent, and Matthew Susin.

A. Moment of Silence
3. Moment of Silence

The Board held a moment of silent reflection and invited the audience to join.

A. Invocation
A. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Pledge of Allegiance

Chair Ms. Wright asked Oliva (student from Golfview) to the podium to lead us in the pledge.

A. Entertainment
5. Golfview Elementary Jump Rope Team

Golfview Elementary Jump Rope Team performed various routines directed by teacher Shannon Shakespeare. 


The Board was given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments.

A. Board Member/Superintendent Recognitions
6. Board Members/Superintendent Recognitions

Board Members and Dr. Rendell recognized various students, staff, community members and business partners and outlined the positive impact each have on Brevard Public Schools.



A. Recognition of Visitors/Guests/Staff
7. Recognition of Visitors/Guests/Staff

Board Members and Dr. Rendell recognized various visitors, staff, and guests and outlined the positive impact each has on Brevard Public Schools.




B. Curriculum & Instruction
8. Melbourne High School Students Earn CNA Industry Certification

Ms. Wright invited Ms. Rachel Rutledge and Susan Robbins a Health Sciences Instructor at Melbourne High, to the podium to recognize the Melbourne High School students who have earned their CNA Industry Certification.


Alderman, Morgan Taylor

Brown, Brooklynne Nicolle

Charleston, Guynathan

Collazo, Maycie Rio

Daniel, Elizabeth Ruth M

Dycus, Alexis Nichole

Fair, Mellina Marie

Flowers, Jamecia Kiara

Flammini, Ryan Xavier

Grey, Carly Elizabeth

Hufstetler, Kaitlyn Alexa

Huynh, Vivian

Leyva, Brianna Z

Lorente, Marcel Avner

Maldonado, Ariana Grace

Neal, Emma Lyn

Palmer, Mara Jade

Ruth, Raeann

Rycroft, Wyatt Thomas

Schaff, Emma P

Stevens, Kadence Houston

Turner, Jenna Grace

White, Dakota

Woodbury, Anna Michele


The Board was given an opportunity to make comments, and ask question.  

9. Future Problem Solvers
Leading with reading slideshow (1).pptx

Ms. Wright invited Chloe Radd and the team from West Shore Junior/Senior High School to the podium to recognize the Future Problem Solvers teams.  The students presented to Dr. Rendell and the Board on their community project on reading proficiency.  Students present were, Alex Beavers, Tiffany Duong, Janani Sivakumar, and Sophia Kero attended last night to present.


  • The Problem 


  • Our Work

*letter system

*collection of books

*read with a reading buddy


  • Results

*provide opportunity to practice skills

*small groups 1-3 per volunteer

*support building home library

*make reading cool


  • Improvements 

*time (teacher inputs)

*transportation from school

*spreading the word


  • Help Us Showcase Brevard -  Please view the video for further information.



A. Adoption of Agenda
10. Adoption of Agenda

Dr. Rendell read into record the changes made to the agenda since it was released to the public:

Removal of item:

  • F43. Easement and Bill of Sale to Brevard County Utilities


Revised items:

  • F13. Administrative Recommendations
  • F15. Meeting Minutes
  • F52. Book Review & Challenges
Recommendation is to adopt all items listed on the April 9, 2024, agenda.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Matthew Susin
Second: Gene Trent
Katye Campbell - Aye
JenniferD Jenkins - Aye
Matthew Susin - Aye
Gene Trent - Aye
Megan Wright - Aye
C. Resolutions/Proclamations
11. Month of the Military Child Proclamation
Month of the Military Child Proclamation 2024.pdf

Mr. Susin read the first prolamation, The Month of the Military Child.   Mr. Susin invited everyone to wear purple on April 17, 2024, to honor the Children in the Military.

  • Colonel Anthony Graham - Vice Commander, PSFB Space Launch Delta 45,  addressed Dr. Rendell and the Board.


The Month of the Military Child Proclamation.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Matthew Susin
Second: Katye Campbell
Katye Campbell - Aye
JenniferD Jenkins - Aye
Matthew Susin - Aye
Gene Trent - Aye
Megan Wright - Aye
12. Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation
Child Abuse Proclamation.pdf

Ms. Katye Campbell read this second proclamation, National Child Abuse Awareness Month.  Ms. Campbell mentioned the Pin Wheels located in front of the Brevard Public School, ESF Facility.  

  • Jessica Miles - Brevard Cares a Child Abuse Prevention Agency addressed Dr. Rendell and the Board.


Ms. Jenkins made a public announcement:

  • Friday, April 12, 2024, Senator Lauren Book will be hosting through "Lauren's Kids" a walk starting at about noon from Satellite Beach to Cocoa Beach.
  • In the month of April, she walks 1500 miles across the entire state of Florida.
Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Matthew Susin
Second: Gene Trent
Katye Campbell - Aye
JenniferD Jenkins - Aye
Matthew Susin - Aye
Gene Trent - Aye
Megan Wright - Aye
A. Ancillary Item
A. Administrative Staff Recommendations
13. Administrative Staff Recommendations

Recess 6:50 pm 

Return 6:56 pm



Approve the listed administrative staff recommendations: Accept the resignation of Kristine Rodriguez from the position of Director of Procurement & Distribution Services, effective April 17, 2024. The transfer of Carol A. Mela from the position of Director of Title I in the Office of Chief of Schools to the position of Director of Federal Programs in Curriculum & Instruction, on annual contract, effective July 1, 2024. Annual salary based on grade 29 of the Nonbargaining Salary Administration Program. The transfer of Christopher L. Reed from the position of Director – Student Services to the position of Director of Elementary Leading & Learning in the Office of Chief of Schools, on annual contract, effective July 1, 2024. Annual salary based on grade 29 of the Nonbargaining Salary Administration Program. The reclassification/transfer of Brian D. Callinan from the position of Assistant Principal (12 month) at Hoover Middle School to the position of Assistant Principal (12 month) at Bayside High School, on annual contract, effective June 1, 2024. Annual salary based on grade 24 of the Nonbargaining Salary Administration Program.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​Accept the resignation of Jessica R. Thomas from the position of Assistant Principal (10 month) at Satellite High School, effective April 12, 2024.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Matthew Susin
Second: Katye Campbell
Katye Campbell - Aye
JenniferD Jenkins - Aye
Matthew Susin - Aye
Gene Trent - Aye
Megan Wright - Aye
D. Presentations
E. Public Comments
14. Public Comments

Ms. Wright reminded speakers of their time limit of three minutes and of the decorum expected while speaking.  Mr. Gibbs, School Board Attorney invited speakers to the podium, and in accordance with Florida Law, stated the Board would hear 8  speaker.  

F. Consent
F. Board Office
15. Meeting Minutes
april-5-2024-legislative-delegation-luncheon-minutes (2).pdf
F. Board Office/ Superintendent
16. Student Expulsion(s)
F. Financial Services
17. Property Disposal
Board Agenda Letters 4-9-2024.pdf
Board Report 04-09-2024.pdf
18. FY 2024 Interim Financial Statements ~ February 2024
FY 2024 Interim Financial Statement - February 2024.pdf
F. Human Resources
19. Instructional Staff Recommendations
Instructional Staff 04-09-24.pdf
20. Support Staff Recommendations
Support Staff 04-09-24.pdf
21. Specialist - Safety & Security Support Personnel
22. Job Description: Assistant Director - Curriculum and Instruction
JD Authorization Form Asst. Director - signed.pdf
ASST DIR CURR-INSTR_C2454_04.23.24 - CLEAN.pdf
ASST DIR CURR-INSTR_C2454_04.23.24 - EDITS.pdf
23. Job Description: Coordinator - Curriculum and Instruction
JD Authorization Form coordinator - signed.pdf
COORD-CURR-INSTR_Cxxxx_NEW 03.20.24.pdf
24. Job Description: Food & Nutrition Services - District Operations Manager
FNS Dist Operations Manager JD Authorization Form 11 14 2023.pdf rtw.pdf
FNS DIST OPER MGR_C2212_12.01.20 - Clean.pdf
FNS DIST OPER MGR_C2212_12.01.20 - edits 2023.08.17 KT.pdf
25. Job Description: Food & Nutrition Services - District Nutrition Manager
FNS Dist Nutrition Manager JD Authorization Form 11 14 2023.pdf rtw.pdf
FNS DIST NUTRITION MGR_C2210_03.01.21 - edits 2023.08.17 KT.pdf
FNS DIST NUTRITION MGR_C2210_03.01.21 - Clean.pdf
26. Job Description: Building Official
BUILD OFFICIAL_C2337_12.01.20 - CLEAN - SH 03.19.2024.pdf
BUILD OFFICIAL_C2337_12.01.20 - EDITS -draft1 SH 03.19.2024.pdf
JD Authorization Form 2024. Bldg. Off. rev2.pdf
F. Project Management
27. Sabal Elementary School - Classroom Renewal - Design Build Services - SALES SURTAX RENEWAL
Sabal Casework GMP Attachments.pdf
28. Palm Bay High School JROTC Rifle Range - Close Out
OEF-209 version 2012 -TSARK -Palm Bay JROTC Rifle Range.pdf
29. Manatee Elementary School Chiller Replacement - Close Out
OEF-209 version 2012 -DDC -Manatee Chiller 2021.pdf
30. West Shore Jr./Sr. High School Concession Stand - Close Out
OEF-209 RZK -West Shore Concession 2022.pdf
31. Discovery Elementary School Canopy Refurbishment - Close Out
OEF TLC - Discovery Canopy.pdf
32. Turner Elementary School Electrical Renewal - Close Out
OEF-209 version 2012 -OCI -Turner Electrical - SS.pdf
33. Bayside High School - Access Control - Construction Management Services - SALES SURTAX
Bayside Front Office Access GMP Attachments.pdf
34. McNair Magnet Middle School Electrical Renewal - Close Out
OEF-209 version 2012 -DDC -McNair Electrical.pdf
35. Hoover Middle School Easement for AT&T Florida Telecommunication Equipment Maintenance
AT&T easement- School Board.pdf
36. Melbourne High School - Food Services Remodel - Construction Management Services
Melbourne Food Service Remodel GMP Attachments.pdf
37. Fairglen Elementary School - HVAC Design Services - SALES SURTAX RENEWAL
Fairglen AHU Replacement Design Attachments.pdf
38. Indialantic Elementary School - Roof Design Services - SALES SURTAX RENEWAL
Indialantic Roof Renewal-Replacement Design Attachments.pdf
39. Port Malabar Elementary School - HVAC Renewal - SALES SURTAX
Port Malabar Cooling Tower Replacement GMP Attachments.pdf
40. Cambridge Elementary School - Covered Play Pavilion - Construction Management Services
Cambridge Covered Play Pavilion GMP Attachments.pdf
41. District School Security - Additional Design Build Services - SALES SURTAX RENEWAL
DSS Cluster C Package #3 Change Order Attachments - Redacted.pdf
42. Mims Elementary School - Additional Construction Management Services
Mims cafetorium CO 4 additional work.pdf
43. Easement and Bill of Sale to the City of Cocoa Utilities - Viera Middle School Water Line
Viera MS - City of Cocoa Water Bill of Sale with Exhibit.pdf
Viera MS - City of Cocoa Water Line Easement with Exhibits.pdf
44. Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School - Outdoor Classroom - Construction Management Services
Cocoa Beach Outdoor Classroom rendering and location map.pdf
Cocoa Beach Outdoor Classroom GMP Attachments.pdf
45. Apollo Elementary School - HVAC Renewal - Construction Management Services - SALES SURTAX RENEWAL
Apollo AHU Replacement GMP Attachments.pdf
46. Apollo Elementary School - Fire Alarm Renewal - Construction Management Services - SALES SURTAX RENEWAL
Apollo Fire Alarm Replacement GMP Attachments.pdf
47. Apollo Elementary School - Covered Play Pavilion - Construction Management Services
Apollo Covered Play Pavilion GMP Attachments.pdf
F. Approval of Consent
48. Approval of Consent
Recommendation is to approve all items listed under Consent.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Matthew Susin
Second: Gene Trent
Katye Campbell - Aye
JenniferD Jenkins - Aye
Matthew Susin - Aye
Gene Trent - Aye
Megan Wright - Aye
Items Pulled for Discussion
G. Public Hearing
H. Action
H. Board Office
49. FSBA/FADSS June 5-7, 2024, Conference Travel for Campbell, Susin, Trent
Recommendation - to approve the travel to FSBA/FADSS June 5-7, 2024, Conference in Tampa, Florida for the following Board Members: Ms. Campbell Mr. Susin Mr. Trent
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Matthew Susin
Second: Katye Campbell
Katye Campbell - Aye
JenniferD Jenkins - Aye
Matthew Susin - Aye
Gene Trent - Aye
Megan Wright - Aye
H. Procurement & Distribution Services
50. Procurement Solicitations
A) 20-832-PN-NC Furniture, Inst.pdf
B) 24-787-PB-TC Print Shop Papers & Supplies.pdf
C) 24-154-PB-MM Automotive Batteries_Piggyback.pdf
D) 24-679-PB-WH - Apple Products.pdf
E) 24-794-PB-LW HVAC Frames & Filters.pdf
F) 24-718-PB-WH - Instructional Aids and Supplies.pdf
G) 21-653-B-JE Custodial Supplies.pdf
H) 21-452-B-JW Fencing Renewal.pdf
I) 24-441-P-KR - Strategic Planning Consultant - Reject All.pdf
Approve the Piggy Backs (PBs) below: A) 20-832-NC Region 4 ESC: Furniture, Installation, & Related Services - Renewal - District-wide - $Variable B) 24-787-PB-TC Print Shop Papers & Supplies - District-Wide - $Variable - Operating - Other C) 24-154-PB-MM Automotive Batteries - OPS - Transportation Services/9640 - $$55,000.00 annually (notexceed) - Operating - Other D) 24-679-PB-WH - Apple Computer Hardware And Related Products and Services - Educational Technology - $Variable E) 24-794-PB-LW HVAC Filters and Frames - Plant Operations and Maintenance - $Variable - Operating - Other F) 24-718-PB-WH - Instructional Aids and Supplies - Career & Technical Education - $Variable Approve the Invitations to Bid (ITBs) below: G) 21-653-B-JE Custodial Supplies – Bid Assignment - FAC - Environmental Health & Safety/9560 - $N/A H) 21-452-B-JW Fencing Contracting Services - Renewal - Plant Operations & Maintenance - $Variable - Operating - Other Approve the Request for Proposal (RFP) below: I) 24-441-P-KR - Strategic Planning Consultant – Reject all - Operations Division - $N/A
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Matthew Susin
Second: Katye Campbell
Katye Campbell - Aye
JenniferD Jenkins - Aye
Matthew Susin - Aye
Gene Trent - Aye
Megan Wright - Aye
51. Department/School Initiated Agreements
A) 19-011-A-DR TAC Merritt Island Lease_Termination.pdf
Approve the Agreements below: A) Lease Agreement 19-011-A-DR TAC Merritt Island LLC - Termination - OPS -Transportation Services/9640 - $N/A - Operating - Other
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Matthew Susin
Second: Gene Trent
Katye Campbell - Aye
JenniferD Jenkins - Aye
Matthew Susin - Aye
Gene Trent - Aye
Megan Wright - Aye
H. Curriculum & Instruction Accountability, Testing & Evaluation
52. Book Review and Challenges
The Book Review Advisory Committee met yesterday and made the following recommendations: ‘Tilt’-4 members recommended to remove the title, 1 member recommended to keep the title ‘Tricks’-4 members recommended to remove the title, 1 member recommended to keep the title ‘The Action Bible’- All 5 members recommended to keep the title ‘Bible Stories for Little Angels’-All 5 members recommended to keep the title
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Matthew Susin
Second: Katye Campbell
Katye Campbell - Aye
JenniferD Jenkins - Nay
Matthew Susin - Aye
Gene Trent - Aye
Megan Wright - Aye
I. Information
I. Procurement & Distribution Services
53. Procurement Information Report - February 1, 2024 through February 29, 2024
Procurement Information Report - February 2024.pdf
I. Office of Professional Learning and Development
54. Gifted Add-on Program
Gifted Endorsement Program Program 2024-2029 Revision.pdf
Summative Review April 2024 for FDOE.pdf
I. Curriculum & Instruction
55. Amend the Odyssey Preparatory Academy Contract
Odyssey Preparatory Amendment Application.pdf
56. EGHS- Buy a Use Piper Arrow III (PA-28R-180) for Aerospace/Aircraft Training
57. Cocoa Beach High School Ecology Restoration Program
58. Workforce Development Capitalization Incentive Grant (Cap Grant)
J. Staff Reports
K. Board Member Reports/Discussion Points
59. Board Members Reports/Discussion Points

No further comments.

L. Superintendent's Report
60. Superintendent's Report
M. Public Comments (If Additional Time Needed)
N. Student Expulsion
O. Adjournment
61. Adjournment

Chair Wright adjourned the meeting at 7:27 pm

Chair: __________________________ Secretary: _______________________

INSTITUTION:  ARTICLE IX - SECTION 1.  Public education:
The education of children is a fundamental value of the people of the State of Florida. It is, therefore, a paramount duty of the state to make adequate provision for the education of all children residing within its borders. Adequate provision shall be made by law for a uniform, efficient, safe, secure, and high quality system of free public schools that allows students to obtain a high quality education and for the establishment, maintenance, and operation of institutions of higher learning and other public education programs that the needs of the people may require.

Individuals or groups may address comments to the School Board at any regular meeting by following established procedures set forth in Board Policy 0169.1.  All attendees must register his or her intention to speak in the public portion of the meeting upon arrival by completing a speaker's form.  The signup period for all public comments, both agenda and non-agenda, will close at the start of Public Comment.


  • Sensory and mobility impaired persons seeking assistance for participation in any meeting, conference, or seminar should contact Ms. Browning, Director, Labor Relations, five days prior to the meeting date. Ms. Browning may be reached at 321-633-1000, ext. 11265 (voice) or browning.rosemary@brevardschools.org.
  • This publication can be made available to persons with disabilities in a variety of formats, including large print, DVDs and Braille.  Telephone or written requests should include your name, address, and telephone number.  Requests should be made to School Board Office, 2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera, FL  32940-6699, (321) 633-1000, ext. 11410 at least two (2) weeks prior to the time you need the publication.
  • We respectfully request that ALL ELECTRONIC ITEMS AND CELL PHONES REMAIN OFF while the School Board is in session.
  • Brevard Public Schools Television (BPS-TV) will broadcast this meeting live on Spectrum cable channel 496.   Board meetings are also available as streaming video on the district web page at www.brevardschools.org and YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/c/BrevardSchools.   
  • Any person who decides to appeal a decision made by the School Board with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing is hereby advised that he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
Agenda Plus